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Introducing FIDM SF Student and Social Ambassador Otgon Adiyasuren

Introducing FIDM SF Student and Social Ambassador Otgon Adiyasuren

Name: Otgon Adiyasuren

Campus: San Francisco

Major: Interior Design

Hometown: Granite Bay, CA

Describe your style: I have a range, from chic to preppy to classy and boho. I like to experiment. 

What are your currently listening to? I listen to everything except country and screamo.

What are your favorite brands? Prada, Hermes, Chanel, MCM.

Who is an icon that inspires you? Beyonce, Selena Gomez, and Zendaya.

Where is your favorite place to eat in your city? Food trucks.

What is your dream job? Interior Designer.

What advice would you give to FIDM Students? Do not procrastinate, even if every bone in your body is telling you to.

Describe FIDM in three words: So worth it. 

Fill in the blank: You know you went to FIDM when... Losing a flash drive is the end of your life. 

Follow Otgon on Twitter.

Categories:  Digital Marketing Interior Design

Apr 19, 2018
